Belle and Sebastian " Write about love " Ampliar

Belle and Sebastian " Write about love "


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12,95 €

Més informació

So indie pop marca de la casa. Els escocesos  han renovat les influències seixanteres, setenteres i folk que sempre han estat presents d'alguna altre forma en la seva música.


01. I Didn’t See It Coming [05:03]
02. Come On Sister [03:54]
03. Calculating Bimbo [04:22]
04. I Want The World To Stop [04:34]
05. Little Lou, Ugly Jack, Prophet John (ft. Norah Jones) [04:34]
06. Write About Love (ft. Carey Mulligan) [02:53]
07. I’m Not Living In The Real World [03:10]
08. The Ghost Of Rockschool [04:34]
09. Read The Blessed Pages [02:44]
10. I Can See Your Future [03:50]
11. Sunday’s Pretty Icons (3:45)



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Belle and Sebastian " Write about love "

Belle and Sebastian " Write about love "


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