Pearl Jam " Ten-Legacy Edition " Ampliar

Pearl Jam " Ten-Legacy Edition "


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19,90 €

Més informació

Reedició de l'àlbum debut del grup de Seattle. Va conseguir 12 Discs de Platí als Estats Units. 'Ten' ha sigut inclòs a les llistes dels millors àlbums de tots els temps.

CD 1

1. Once
2. Even Flow
3. Alive
4. Why Go
5. Black
6. Jeremy
7. Oceans
8. Porch
9. Garden
10. Deep
11. Release

CD 2

1. Once [Brendan O'Brien remix]
2. Even Flow [Brendan O'Brien remix
] 3. Alive [Brendan O'Brien remix]
4. Why Go [Brendan O'Brien remix]
5. Black [Brendan O'Brien remix]
6. Jeremy [Brendan O'Brien remix]
7. Oceans [Brendan O'Brien remix]
8. Porch [Brendan O'Brien remix]
9. Garden [Brendan O'Brien remix]
10. Deep [Brendan O'Brien remix]
11. Release [Brendan O'Brien remix]
12. Brother [vocal version/previously unreleased/bonus track]
13. Just A Girl [previously unreleased/bonus track]
14. Breath And A Scream [demo/previously unreleased/bonus track]
15. State Of Love And Trust [previously unreleased/bonus track]
16. 2000 Mile Blues [previously unreleased/bonus track]
17. Evil Little Goat [rehearsal studio outtake/bonus track



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Pearl Jam " Ten-Legacy Edition "

Pearl Jam " Ten-Legacy Edition "


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